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I've never received my orders and I have had no luck contacting you. I'll never order from you again.
For the price I paid this bag doesn’t look cheap at all. The quality is 10/10 and looks exactly as advertised. I received my items within 1.5 weeks. Almost identical to the ByFar bag great dupe, great product!
Excellent bag, sending and delivery fast, the duck wrinkled the seam, but it is fixable. Looks super, i recommend to buy the strap is adjustable. In the sock for more than a month, everything is wonderful. The only clasp is not very convenient (not the first time it turns out to close), and so everything is super.
The day before yesterday received, if earlier went to the post office, it would be even faster. came for 8 (record) days! Handbag mini, just a miracle, under 7 + iphone fits perfectly, you can still put keys, purse and all sorts of trifles) but it's better not to do this))